Sitters, Welcome to SafeSit! We see you are interested in starting your journey as a SafeSitter. We want to encourage you to download our app from the play store or the app store and begin right away. Some things you may consider.

SafeSit requires Sitters to complete a background check before you can begin sitting. They are not very expensive, and the small investment you make to prove you have a clean criminal record will go a long way. You should be able to earn the minimum investment back in your first sitting potentialy. As a SafeSitter you will be setting your own rates, and we will be matching you up with parents looking for your services in your local area. We are a new app and we are establishing a client base. The first 10 sitters per state who have cleared their background checks will receive a special introductory rate where SafeSit will only take 10% of a total siting fee instead of our normal 15%. This offer will remain valid for these sitters for a 6 month period. After the 6 month period SafeSit will begin taking 15%. Depending on your situation, how many children you watch, your rate you charge, and for how long you watch them, including how many days.

The potential to earn upwards of $90,000 a year exists. Over the next couple of months SafeSit will begin developing online courses to help SafeSitters go the distance to reach their desired earnings using our app. Any other questions you have, feel free to contact us! Our contact information can be found at the bottom of every page.

What are my next steps?

Simply visit the Play Store (Google) or App Store (Apple) to begin. The app is free to download.